
Latitudes and longitudes

INTRODUCTION Today I am present before you about the chapter " The Earth: Myth and Reality " In this session we will discuss about the topic of latitudes and longitudes .The location of any region on the Earth can be determined based on such lines. Let us see how these lines are drawn at exact angular measurements on the spherical surface.Latitudes are horizontal lines that measure distance north or south of the equator. Longitudes are vertical lines that measure east or west of the meridian in Greenwich England.Together , latitude and longitude enable cartographers, geographers and others to locate points or places on the globe. OBJECTIVE * To understand the latitudes and longitudes as angular distances from the center of the Earth. * To understand locates the features, places ,etc..on the Earth based on the latitudes and longitudes. * To understand the locations on the Earth are determined based on the lines of latitudes and longitudes * To understand the latitudes and long

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